Thursday, April 4, 2013

Protest Thru Art II

 C.R.E.A.M. by Kodi Fabricant
Hannah Brancato

Protest Thru Art (updates from months ago that I neglected to do)

 videowork by Katerie Gladdys

Floor Installation by Nick Vyssotsky

In Septemeber, myself and Dazed (from Mad Rapper project) put together a show at BrickHaus Art Space, at 2602 Greenmount. The show, Protest Thru Art, was centered on the idea of art used as or in an act of political protest. More posts to come.

Here are some other options for the Mura Street, with space present for artwork from the community workshops we are setting up around the mural.

Pay It Forward updates.

Here are some designs for the new Pay It Forward mural, at the Club at Collington Square


This is operating on the idea of the mural being solely text based, around the idea of Pay It Forward and what that means to the project participants. The above mockup image is super imposed over the Club at Collington Square's Mura Street location. The Club is an after school program operating in East Baltimore. More to come.